venerdì 8 luglio 2011


Emma: I want to say thank you to David Barron and David Heyman, you’ve both been like fathers to me. David Yates, you taught me so much more than… I’m so lucky to take everything that you’ve taught me with me. Steve Kloves, you gave Hermione the voice that I so hoped she would have and I’m so grateful, she is every bit as strong and beautiful and great as she is in the book and I’m very grateful. Jo [starts to break down], thank you for writing these amazing books and and for being…. [starts to cry] that’s it, I’m gone. such a rolemodel to me in real life. Thank you to Rupert for making me laugh and being such a great brother and thank you to Dan, same thing. I will miss you so much. And thank you to Warner Brothers for making these films the way they should have been made and giving them the support that they needed and we went out as we should’ve done, on a bang and I’m so proud to have been a part of this, thank you so, so much. Thank you to everyone here who came, you are the most wonderful fans in the world and it’s just such a privilege. Thank you so, so much.

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