giovedì 17 maggio 2012


I'm back. After a long break, here i am. 
Many things have changed. 
I am changed. 
First i resigned from my job and then i took one way ticket to London. 
Now I live in Stratford, and I like it. 
I love London. 
It's completely different from Italy's city. 
Here nobody cares about you. 
Here, you are just a little man among millions of little man. 
Here, you are nobody. 
Listening to Queen's music always put me in melancholy mood...
how can i miss something that i haven't live? 
It happens to me so many times 
and i don't know why I live looking to the past, 
forgetting to live the present.

Ok today is not a good day.

I had my first emotional breakdown, 
and when you are alone, 
i think it's one of the most horrible thing that could happen to you.
Luckily I have found few really good friends,
 my flatmates, 
i can trust and that support me.